Nous arrivons au point culminant de l’histoire. Dans la légende, les bucherons tentent de déjouer le diable pour rester plus longtemps avec leurs belles. Carl finira-t-il comme eux, damné pour l’éternité ?
Il n’a qu’à être au rendez-vous, c’est tout.
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Si vous désirez en lire plus, vous trouverez mon roman L’Enfant-Gardien 1: Améthyste sur
Bonne semaine!
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We’re reaching the climax of the history. In the legend, the lumberjacks tried to outsmart the devil to stay longer with their sweethearts. Will Carl end up like them, damned for eternity?
He must get to the appointment, that’s all.
If you like discovering what is hiding behind the pages:
subscribe (You will get an exclusive tropcial adventure in Ingebas with one of the Guardians of Bharmana and her children);
and continue the conversation!
If you would like to read more, find my French novel L’Enfant-Gardien 1: Améthyste on
My first English novel: War of Taar is coming in December 2021!
Have a great week!
P.S. If you wish to receive the links to my blogs directly in your inbox, sign up to the blogs. It will also give you the opportunity to comment on them!